Sunday, November 29, 2009

Kite Runner

Role of Women- in the Kite Runner the role of women, as is many things, split between Afghanistan culture where women are submissive and American culture where women are virtually free to “roam”.
Betrayal- Betrayal is a huge theme in the book. Amir betrays Hassan by not helping him in his time of need, and Amir feels betrayed by his father.
Brothers- The book shows that a people do not have to be a blood brother to have brother hood.
Guilt- Amir’s guilt begins from birth and continues on. It starts with the death of his mother and also rises up when he does not help Hassan.
Redemption- Amir’s redemption is saving Sohrab from Assef.
Exodus- The book is about Amir’s journey through life and the troubles and tribulations he must face and overcome.
Fathers & Sons- Amir tries to win his father’s attention. Baba only notices Amir when he accomplishes something good. A father must always be behind his son.
Class Distinction- Pashtuns are clearly the majority in the Afghanistan culture and the Hazaras are clearly treated as the lowly class.
Parallelism- in the Kite runner as in the bible Amir and Hassan represent Isaac and Ishmael the sons of Abraham.
Character Foils- Hassan is Amir’s foil. Hassan always stands up for Amir and never being scared completely opposite of Amir.
Flashback- First the entire book is a flashback because this is Amir telling the story; however he also has flashbacks of his childhood frequently.
Positives & Negatives-
Settings- America and Afghanistan, Hazara and Pashtun, Present day and Past days, before and after war, California and Kabul.
Minor Characters
1. Assef bullied the boys when they were younger and then killed Hassan.
2. Farid who does not like Amir but ends up helping him because of what he is doing.
3. Rahim Khan who tells Amir he is Hassan’s brother and the closest thing Amir has to a father.
4. Soraya’s role as a woman is unimportant however she greatly helps Amir grow as a person
5. Ali was Baba’s servant and close childhood friend to Amir and Hassan.
1. Assef’s brass knuckles represented fear and hate.
2. Kites are the kids escape however they still represent war in Afghanistan.
3. The slingshot is an example of courage like David and Goliath.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's been awhile

It's been awhile since i posted on here. We got moved into our new house and still have not gotten the internet hooked up. I fill disconnected from the world. I hate no being able to facebook and check my emails from the house. Hunting season has started and I have been spending alot of time in the woods. Work has also picked up a little becasue of the deer season. I also fired up the XBOX 360 and have playing that the last week. I have not been doing much but i'm content.